(Twin-Pod) Cloud Car Pilot


Smile HK (Kenner)
Left leg: “MADE IN HONG KONG” or smoothed over No Coo
- Octagonal belt buckle
- Dark grey holster and belt
- Torso shot in both a “soft” and “hard” plastic
- Shorter “fat” neck mould
Lili Ledy Mexico
Left Leg: Smoothed over NCoo
- Figure moulds sent from Smile Hong Kong to Lili Ledy in Mexico
- Uniquely bright yellow boot & gloves
- Varying shades of grey and metallic silver on the belt and holster. LL CCPs can be found with mixed up limb and torso parts, so the belt colour combinations aren’t always consistent
- Varying tan and pink colours used for the facial paint

Pictured above are the two main variants on the LL Cloud Car Pilot. He came with a grey or silvery painted belt and holster. There are figures known that were produced while changing the colour and got mixed up parts i.e. silvery hips and grey painted torso.
Please note that only the left figure was pictured with original LL accessories. The right figure was completed with the “dark” Kenner accessories and you can see that the difference still is huge.
Unitoy HK (Kenner)
Right leg: “MADE IN HONG KONG”
- Circular belt buckle
- Dark grey-brown holster and belt
- Varying tan and pink colours used for the facial paint
- Long neck mould
PBP Spain
Right leg: Rough, scarred out coo
- Figure moulds sent from Unitoy Hong Kong to PBP in Spain
- Uniquely features 0, 1, 2 or 3 dots moulded under the chin to identify head mould cavities
- Varying shades of white, cream, and pink used for the facial paint
- Varying shades of orange and red used for the Helmet