Teebo Axe

The Teebo Axe was usually released with the following combinations of colour to figure:
Beige Axe:
There are two main mould variations. Subvariants do exist and may not all be documented. As a result of the fact that these were shot on a sprue tree in higher numbers the subvariants may vary heavily depending on the mould used.
There are 2 main mould variations: M1 used by Unitoy in Hong Kong and later on by Lili Ledy in Mexico and M2 which was used by Universal Manufacturers in Taiwan. The main differences are the plastic malleability (M1=stiff, M2=rubbery) and the position of the gate scar to the bottom of the axe. In addition the M1 axe usually is more pointed to the bottom compared to the M2 axe.
M1 was produced by UNITOY in Hong Kong. The metal-mould later went to LILI LEDY in Mexico. These axes are made out of rigid material and sink when submerged under water. The following colours are known:
- glossy cream (Lili Ledy)
- glossy dark cream (Lili Ledy)
- light beige
- beige
- dark beige
M2 was produced by UNIVERSAL MANUFACTURERS in TAIWAN. These axes are made out of rubbery, flexible material and sink when submerged under water. The following colours are known:
- beige
- brownish beige
- dark reddish beige
- light reddish beige
- tan

The R1 has been around for decades. They are casted in some kind of tin-lead-alloy and painted with a tan colour. Needless to say that these sink when submerged in water. Above you can see it compared to M1 UNITOY and M2 TAIWAN (U.M.). The rounded bottom of the axe is a dead give away on pictures to spot those.
The following colours are known:
- tan