The Glasslite Vlix has the same COO (no. 1) as the Poon Reproduction figure which is used below for comparison.
The Poon Vlix figure was moulded from an original Vlix figure along with the Glasslite hoth rifle. Whilst they are very easy to spot in hand, from a photograph buyers could easily be deceived as both figures have the same COO markings.


DIFFERENCES: Compared to his Poon counterpart, the Glasslite Vlix has:

  • Shoulders are raised
  • Lighter blue torso/arms and legs
  • Darker green head
  • Thinner eyebrows
  • Lighter blue mouth & eyebrows
  • Lighter red paint ops on face (note these appear as semi-circles on the GL figure)
  • Peg Holes in the feet
  • Melt marks to between thighs
  • Thinner shoe soles
  • Limbs are not pegged!
Glasslite on the right
Glasslite on the right
Glasslite on the right
Glasslite on the right
Glasslite on the right
Glasslite on the right
Glasslite on the right
Poon centre

Comparison photos showing two Glasslite Vlix’s.

  • Underside of Belt should be painted, original example had playwear.
  • Melt marks between the thighs are typically present
Glasslite Belt Painted
Glasslite Melt Marks
Glasslite Melt Mark Close-Up


The Glasslite Vlix came with a shiny Hoth Trooper Rifle M3 compared to the Poon V3, which I believe was moulded from a Glasslite original.

DIFFERENCES: Compared to his Glasslite counterpart, the Poon Vlix Rifle is:

  • Less shiny
    Missing the two flashing marks on the top of the rifle
  • Shorter in length (due to shinkage?)
  • Visable crack line on the rifle butt
  • Part of the butt is missing (cut off short?)
  • Bent when viewed from above
Glasslite on the bottom
Glasslite on the bottom
Glasslite on the bottom


  • Both Rifles when placed on water float
  • Both Rifles sink when tapped
Glasslite Rifle water test
Glasslite Rifle water test
Glassslite & Poon Rifles water test

EXTRA: Comparison photos showing the Glasslite Vlix M3 compared to Glasslite Hoth Trooper M3.

Vlix Black / Hoth Trooper Blue
Vlix Black / Hoth Trooper Blue
